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What should I be doing in my garden in April?

This time of year kick starts the garden growth season. The warmer days with little rainfall will help transform your garden from bleak winter tones to vibrant Spring colors. The tasks you should be doing in your garden in April can vary depending on your specific climate and region. However, here are some general gardening tasks that are typically recommended for April.

Gardening Jobs in April

  1. Prepare the soil

    Nutrients are vital for good soil. If you didn't do it in the fall, now is the time to top up your soil with compost or other organic matter. This will help improve soil fertility and structure.

  2. Start seeds indoors

    Many vegetables and flowers can be started indoors in April for transplanting outdoors in a few weeks. Be sure to provide adequate light, warmth, and water to your seedlings.

  3. Plant cool-season crops

    In many regions, April is the time to plant cool-season crops like lettuce, spinach, kale, peas, and broccoli.

  4. Prune trees and shrubs

    Spring is a good time to prune trees and shrubs before new growth begins. Remove any dead or diseased branches, and shape the plant as desired.

  5. Weed and mulch

    Keep weeds under control by pulling or hoeing them regularly. Apply a layer of mulch around plants to help retain moisture in warmer dry climates which will also help to suppress weed growth.

  6. Divide perennials

    If you have overcrowded perennial plants, April is a good time to divide them and replant them in new locations. This will help them thrive when the growing season is in full swing.

  7. Fertilize

    Apply a balanced fertilizer to your garden beds to provide nutrients to your plants. Use natural fertilizer where possible to reduce ground pollution.

  8. Check for pests and diseases

    Keep an eye out for any signs of insects, pests, or disease problems in your garden. If you notice any signs of damage caused you should take appropriate action where necessary.

Remember to always consult with your local garden center or a professional gardener for tailored advice for your exact location.

How much do people spend on gardening products in the United States?

According to a report by the National Gardening Association, households in the United States spent an average of $503 on lawn and garden activities in 2019. This includes spending on various products, such as seeds, plants, fertilizers, pesticides, and equipment.

The report also found that the total spent on lawn and garden activities in the United States in 2019 was estimated to be $52.3 billion. This includes spending on professional services, such as lawn care and landscaping, as well as DIY activities.

It's worth noting that these figures can vary widely depending on a number of factors, including region, climate, and individual preferences. Some households may spend much more or less than the average depending on the size and complexity of their garden and their level of involvement in gardening activities.

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