Why do we plant trees?

We are on a mission to transform how people buy search for and purchase insurance, which will help save them money along the way. But another equally important topic for us is the environmental impact our cars and homes have on our planet. That’s why we are committed to planting a tree in your honor for every auto or home insurance policy you buy through Coverzoo.com.

Plant a Tree

Trees help clean the air we breathe by absorbing harmful pollution through their leaves and bark. They then release clean oxygen which is vital for life on our planet. In built-up urban areas and cities, trees absorb gases like nitrogen oxides, ozone, and carbon monoxide, and take in particles like dust and smoke. The more trees we plant the more we can reduce the effects of climate change as our trees act as carbon storerooms.


Without trees, forest animals and insects would have nowhere to call home. One single tree can be home or food to over a hundred species of insect, moss, and animals. Older forests with large trees provide a habitat for an array of insects, animals, squirrels, and birds.


Our trees play a crucial role in capturing rainwater and reducing the risk of natural disasters like floods and landslides. And if you live in flood-prone areas you will understand the consequences of floods on your home, your life, and your insurance premiums!

The tree’s complex root system acts like a water filter by removing pollutants and slowing down the water’s absorption into the soil. This prevents dangerous waterslide erosion and reduces the risk of flooding. It sounds so simple but with widescale tree felling at the highest ever rate, it’s never been as important to plant more trees. Actually, a mature evergreen tree can intercept more than 15,000L of water each year.**


Forests provide jobs to over one billion people worldwide. This can be in the form of forestry workers, transportation, and manufacturing. Did you know that trees are the key ingredients in a quarter of all medicines?* With so many reasons why our forests are vital for today and tomorrow, we want to help promote the importance of planting trees, and we are leading the charge by planting a tree for every policy sold.

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*One Tree Planted

**UN Food and Agriculture Association


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